Choosing the Right Props for Your Next Photo Session

October 18, 2018

Choosing the Right Props for Your Next Photo Session

Have you ever thought about adding props to your photo sessions? As I photograph lots of personal branding, props can truly help you stand out and showcase your brand with more than just the colors of your background.

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Props can add interest, depth and an extra flair to your pictures and any type of session. Get your children to hold coordinating flowers for a spring or summer shoot. Love sports? Then use baseball bats in your next family photo to bring out your passion. Perhaps your senior loves dressing up – let’s bring their favorite cosplay costume and do something special for their session.



Here are a few tips for ways to incorporate props in your next photo session.

  1. Avoid trends. While you might have recently seen a few photos that incorporate a specific prop, try not to use something that will not look really dated in 20 years’ time. Classic is definitely better and there are many fun options to choose from. For personal branding, think where your business will go a year from now. Your current pop of color might not be fitting for your brand 6 months from now and you might feel like your session was a waste of energy. Little planning ahead will do wonders!
  2. Be realistic. It’s easy to go wild when thinking of a theme for your photo session. You should decide on one that you can actually find props for. For example, if you want to use seasonal props, try and source them in that season as they’ll be easier to find and before you decide to remake your favorite movie scene, think twice about whether you’ll be able to find suitable outfits for everyone in the photo. When it comes to personal branding sessions, think ahead and plan for all 4 seasons. We can incorporate different looks and colors so there is plenty photos for you to use throughout the year.
  3. Size matters. There are some larger props that work really well in photo sessions such as using your grandpa’s farm tractor as a background piece. However, there are some larger props that can take away from the beauty of the photograph altogether. Make sure that your prop enhances the photo and doesn’t detract from it. Personal branding images work amazing with props, but only if they enhance the image and not take over. Example – bring 3 books with covers in complimenting colors that talk about your business and would look great on side table. Don’t bring 10 books + notebook + planner as we can’t stage it all and make it look natural. Also, bringing too many small pieces can also create clutter, and we want calm, soft and clean look for your images. stylist headshots in portland oregon
  4. Make it meaningful. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or if you have a musical instrument that you treasure, try and incorporate it into your photos. This way your pictures will have more meaning to you and your family. Same goes for headshots and personal branding, we don’t want to go too basic. Let’s personalize your photos and perhaps bring your mom’s vase or dad’s collectible. We want your photos to feel like you.
  5. Use what you have. Make the current season work to your advantage by using what’s available. Leaves in the fall make for amazing props in photos and don’t cost a thing. Using Pinterest or Instagram is always good way to gather affordable and fun inspiration.


Remember, using props can be the perfect addition to your photos but make sure that they don’t become the main focus. In the end, it’s all about making you feel seen. Whether you are creating memories with your children or trying to enhance your brand and attract right client, right props, colors and wardrobe can make a huge difference and hiring photographer (me, hehe) who can help you create something special will make all the difference.


Let’s talk about best ways to showcase you and get the best out of your session. Reach now to book your session.

